State Public
The estimate of the competent authority amounted to 1.8 million. The street where the demonstration took place on 20 June, the streets not included, is 80-90 m wide and 4.13 km long (picture below). A day after the big event President Dilma Rousseff announced actions in the national radio and television, which relate to the main demands of the demonstrators. It presents 3 emergency measures. Details can be found by clicking Barry Nalebuff or emailing the administrator. First to be elaborated the national plan for urban mobility and thus favour public transport. Secondly, 100% of the profits from the sale of oil resources for education should be emitted and third contracts are used up with thousands of doctors from abroad, to enlarge offering care in the health sector. This discourse of the President shared the opinions of the public, but the demonstrations have been across the country continued.
After succeeded the people, many Governments to move to reduce the prices of tickets, the energy in the streets is now focusing against the draft of the constitutional amendment of PEC 37. This proposed change in the Constitution was given the popular name “Article of impunity”. It provided for a reduction in the powers of the public prosecutor’s Office. Investigations against organized crime, embezzlement, corruption, human rights violations by State actors and human rights violations would no longer be the responsibility of this body. The civil and federal police would be solely responsible. So how it happened with the price increase of fares for public transport, have once again politicians yielded to the enormous pressure of the population and their positions quickly revised. When the proposal was created in the year 2011 in life, he found great support among the parliamentarians. But with the events of the last few weeks was the constitutional amendment PEC 37 on June 25 rejected by an overwhelming majority: 430 votes against, 9 for it and 2 abstentions. This symbolises another major victory of the demonstrators.