Federal States
Traditionally always been a beer and cigarette belong together at least in the cuisine of the drink. Whether in the one-room pub, nightclubs or the Bavarian Festival tent. And as long as it Smokers are, who can also not just quit their vices, as long it should be politicians prohibited, in order to vote or from exaggerated servility thinking towards Brussels inconsiderate in the stuff to lay. Rather should they have the freedom of choice as democratic goods for restaurants under 100 sqm and nightclubs also referred to as ‘Spanish model’ in mind and let the restaurateurs, which market he would like to use: the smoking market? Or better yet non-smokers? Ultimately, this would be a confidence in the majority of citizens, away from planned Stigmata, whose Heiligkeit anyway no one understands so right. The market regulates itself.
Exceptions are accepted according to all polls. Even with the restriction to the protection of minors and to the non-smoking while eating in restaurants. No interferes with the “cigarette afterwards”, as long as it happens in the company of smokers. And ultimately, the whole discussion would be a chance, the Special Apply for membership in over 800 smokers Club can, would no longer be hinted at the end: may I here smoke as a member and enjoy my beer or it was there but the other pub? “.” In addition, it is assumed that pro rata non-smoking as a member write a settle with views of the 56% of citizens who have advocated a derogation mentioned already by the world. Except for bureaucracy, you would have won nothing in this matter so. And yet: when it actually comes, that is the Federal States instead for the Spanish, “Bavarian model”, so the absolute smoking ban without exception decide the only solution would be the smokers Club.
A seemingly new type of gastronomy. But also old wine into new Wineskins “, who always reminded how you enjoyed him once, in the circles of those fun and conviviality meant something else. The GASTRO-AWARD Germany AG is still confident that common sense WINS and soon turns the conviviality. Who would like to be informed up to date with regard to the creation of a legally-compliant smoking Club, you assist the advice and under to the page. The GASTRO-AWARD Germany AG is the national editor of the GASTRO-AWARD’s, an award – and marketing concept for the gastronomy and hotel readings. Also see