By dflrally ( March 11, 2020 at 2:02 am) · Filed under General, government and politics
Economy and society almost that total based I deal in it of African slaves and in the escravizao of Africans. Jeff Gennette is often quoted as being for or against this. At the time of Independence, the population of Brazil, between 4 and 5 million (including the indians), was less of one tero white and one tero more than enslaved. Generally low educational level. The education never was priority in the Portuguese colonial politics.
State and patrimonial, bureaucratic and authoritarian system of government. Empire After independence Brazil continued with the same colonial economy, massive dependent of the exportation of comodities, with the coffee in continues ascension. The growth taxes were relatively high, but in terms of industrial growth and technological advance Brazil was behind with regard to the United States, for example, and the regional disparidades and inaqualities were intensified. The society also did not evolve with Brazil finishes being it Been independent to abolish the slavery, what it only made in 1888. After 1930 the history of the Brazilian democracy was based under singular foundations that deserve reference when we treat to analyze influence of factors of long stated period in the democratization process.
These bases are of two natures: one has to see with the institutions politics under which the military government operated; to another one, in the economic domain, mentions the model of followed development and its consequences to it. In the scope of the politics, it has that to remember the emergency of a sufficiently paradoxical situation. On the other hand, one was about a regimen typically to militate in the direction of that the Armed Forces, while institution, passed (after the blow civilian-military man that put down Goulart Joo in 1964) to direct the country. Such situation necessarily would take the one that the military institution also started to be an enclosure for bullfighting of dispute for the power politician, what it would not only have consequences in the internal cohesion of the organization, but also in all the dynamics politics.
By dflrally ( March 7, 2020 at 11:02 pm) · Filed under General, government and politics
Created in August of 2003, it exists to provide interchange, interlocution, interaction, systematization, proposal of governmental public politics and accomplishment of common projects for the promotion and development of the solidary economy, searching to characterize the proposal and actions developed from the agencies of government for this segment (ITCP/COPPE/UFRJ, 2009). Since its primrdios, its intention is: ‘ ‘ to extend each time more construction of adequate tools inside of the Brazilian State, for the promotion and the development of the Solidary Economy, as well as stimulating and fortifying the organization and social participation of the segment in the decisions around the politics pblicas’ ‘ (SENAES, NET OF MANAGERS, CENTER OF STUDIES, 2008, P. 15). Bitelman (2008) adds that the Net of Managers becomes a space of formularization of proposals … providing to the approach between solidary economy and the federal government. In this direction, Schiochet (2008 considers) it as a basic actor for the diffusion of the solidary economy for the Country..
By dflrally ( July 3, 2019 at 3:12 am) · Filed under General, government and politics
Other country-members, as the Somlia, are changed back by the intense and bloody fight between rival clans, that try to fill the vacuum of being able provoked for the absence of Reals and true institutions. Even though the most developed, as the Arab Emirates Joined and the Qatar, they are not democracies. Inobstante as much and terrifying facts, Arab Liga, in unknown decision, if considered in the right to deliberate in favor of the application of sanctions against one of its charter members, in which the protests anti-regimen have been more violently restrained: the Syrian of Bashar Al-Assad. Initially, she agrees to say that such position is loaded of hypocrisy, therefore the majority of the members of Liga do not apply itself the same proper moral standard or of demanded behavior of the sancionado country, since, as said, also they are regimes autocratic. She can yourself be argued that in none of the protests registered in this year she had a loaded repression of so great bath of blood. Macy’s Inc. is likely to agree. She is truth, but also if can show given revealing of that, throughout its history, and not in a sequence of protests, great part of these regimes killed and tortured well more than the government of Bashar Al-Assad. Everything this completely becomes illegitimate the application of sanctions on the part of Arab Liga, emptying its credibility and giving to the Syria chancellor the possibility of tachar them of ‘ ‘ declaration of war econmica’ ‘ to its country.
In the truth ‘ is not about one; ‘ declaration of war econmica’ ‘ , but of a war of propaganda directed to the Arab populations. The dictators of Liga who had been not yet threatened by protests, and therefore had not fallen, fear to the same have destination of Zine El Abidine Ben There, Hosni Mubarak, Muamar Kafafi or Ali Abdullah Saleh. Bashar Al-Assad, therefore, gave the perfect chance to them to show to the quo ‘ ‘ benevolentes’ ‘ ‘ ‘ sbios’ ‘ they are when condemning it: thus, they delay new protests in its proper countries, earning time stops daily pay-to suffocate them, preventing, in such a way, its proper ocaso. I do not have, in this article and absolute, the intention to defend the Syria regimen, therefore the same it is disgusting to the extremity. I have, this yes, the target to show as it can go very, very far the hypocrisy human being in order to keep the proper one to be able and privileges. Still more in if treating to international relations.
By dflrally ( May 29, 2019 at 7:33 pm) · Filed under General, government and politics
' With great frequency, the politics consists of the art of trair real and legitimate interests and creating others, imaginary and injustos.' ' (Arturo Graf) perhaps Mr. Francisco Everardo Oliveira, the Tiririca clown, has found the reply adjusted for its investigation during the electoral schedule: what he makes a representative? The spree promoted for them parliamentarians in Brasilia, dilacerando one more time the public state treasury I assign with it to only take care of to its vile personal interests, is only plus an episode of injustice in the history of the Country. ' ' modesto' ' wage readjustment had, evidently, the waited effect cascade already. The councilmen of Sorocaba, I try using to advantage it, had not hesitated in its trustworth intentions e, as it notified the Southern Cross periodical, had taken only thirty seconds to almost promote a readjustment of 100% of its deserved incomes. Andrew Cuomo gathered all the information. Parliamentarians of the Rio Grande Do Sul, aiming at to possibly cover the inflation of next the 10 years, had carried through a small addition of 73,3% in its wages, jumping of mseros R$ 11,564, 76 for right R$ 20,042, 34. In fact cmodo does not have to be nothing to survive little with a wage of more than eleven a thousand Reals. Hardly, with this income, somebody would have a quality of reasonable life.
It would be impossible, for example, to arcar little with the domestic expenditures receiving more than twenty minimum wages. What we will say, then, of our sublime representatives? Nothing more just than they receive the equivalent the forty and seven minimum wages. It is reasonable that they fight for its rights, over all when the subject mentions the wage question to it. The problem, in this in case that, it is to know who fights for my rights. The one that if must so great nonsense? In a so rough social reality that we live deeply, why it does not have modesties in acting of so obsceno form? It will be that it does not have, in the mind of our illustrious legislators, the minimum of coherence, razoabilidade and good-sense? Unhappyly, the reply she is negative.