The Daily

In day 13 of May of 1888, the Daily periodical of Notice publishes in its pages under the editorial form: Let us raise in front that our time arrived! What our shout of enthusiamo today goes to the confines of the world to take the grateful news of that the Brazil? it exempts, completely exempts? it complains logar that it competes to it in the great slap-up meal of the humanity! Untwined heres of the referring to abolitionism idea, you that you were infastigaveis in sacrosanta propaganda in prol d? a race mizerrima, we greet you with all the chos of the native land, with all the humanity feelings! the ones that had been restrained by the death, before seeing to shine the dawn of the redemption, had received ours solemme homage! That its you flow venerating itself they regosigem with the happiness that starts for aquelles for who had in such a way worked! enslaved it of hontem and citizens of today, unamo-us for the enlargement of the dear native land! We can perceive that he has a speech in which if he desires to erase a past that did not represent the modern civilization. The representations of the escravista institution generally multiplied for its negative aspects. Phrases as ' ' black instituio' ' she gave idea of as the regimen was appointed words of strong meanings. In this direction, to perceive that Brazil if presented to the world as a nation that was ready for participation of great ' ' slap-up meal of humanidade' ' it is to perceive that this exactly speech is impregnated of new meanings for that an opposition could occur enters the direction to participate of the slap-up meal that is metaforizado and impersonatied in the 13 of May and, at the same time, to establish the difference that marks the new event or ' ' inventado' ' in detriment what it was desired to erase.

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