United States

However, where will invest when this tax to arrive 1% at the year, or less, as occurred with the United States? It can delay one hundred years, I do not know, but a thing is certain, has that to be prepared! It is of easy perception that in last the two decades had one ' ' salto' ' technological very great. ential-partner/10031641.fullarticle’>Robert Speyer. With this, they will go to appear and more forms more to invest in easy and practical way. The information each time will arrive more quickly until us. Although the economic crises, the people are starting to understand that everything is inside of a cyclical context, where it has low or a retraction in the economy for, later, to come a consolidation movement resulting in the development. The year of 2008, with the crisis of U.S.A., finished very leaving a negative mark in the economy.

However, it is important to remember the great growth that had of 2000 the 2008, therefore if forgetting, really the only thing if remembering will be ' ' terrible crisis of the Bolsa' '. If all we remembered that around five in five years it has a movement of this magnitude in the market we would not have been so surpresos. But, for the opposite, the people were blind, believing a moved growth the debts and leverage of the people and the banks, completely fictitious. Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The people conveyed by mortgage its houses to consume each time more and the banks were full of headings ' ' podres' ' that they were ballasted in property of people who did not have conditions to honor its mortgages. He is valid to mention that diverse ways of if investing of diversified form exist and insurance to run lesser risks at moments of fragile economy and that they are to the disposal of any investor, described in books, Internet and in the financial institutions. According to studies of the great majority of the analysts of stock market, the global growth is in trend of high and is time question until speeding up again. Of this form, it remains to have attention and knowledge in relation to the market to invest of intelligent and sustainable form, since each time plus this will be part of our lives, as much in personal scope as professional. Therefore, in case that still it is felt desconfortvel in investing or finding that some barrier for in such a way exists, is enough to look a specialist in a financial institution or to search in literatures each time more information. one remembers, invests in knowledge!

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