Thermal Window
1. Three layers of sealing the seam. A substantial part of the standard is devoted to rules for filling the gap between the window mounting blocks and the openings on the principle 'from the inside is denser than the outside. " Each installation site should have three layers of sealing: External – protection against climatic influences, in the middle – a heater inside – vapor barrier. The outer layers may be made from different materials and may use different foams. But in any case, they should attend. The outer layer protects the insulation from moisture, but it provides ventilation.
It is best suited for the outer layer psul (pre-compressed sealing tape). This is a special mounting tapes are pasted on the window box before installing it into a doorway, and then expands, they fill all the gaps in the doorway. But in older homes, where their rugged slopes use is complicated. In addition, psul stays plaster. For more information see this site: Governor Cuomo. In rare cases, can be applied outside the silicone. Thickness of the silicone should be half the width to fill up the joint, and the silicone should be glued only on two sides and work for the extension, the rest of his hand must remain free.
Is unacceptable, of course, as can sometimes be seen at the sites, simply anoint silicone foam on top – it is an imitation of protection suture, but not own protection. On average, insulation, a layer applied polyurethane foam. They uniformly fill the seam and they should not be trimmed after curing. Inner layer – vapor barrier – designed to protect the heater from penetration of moisture vapor from the room 2. The absence of cold bridges. Weak zone is the wall around the window box because of its low resistance to heat transfer. On the slope of a portion in the temperature surface below the dew point. On this site, firstly, the high heat losses occur, and secondly, it falls condensate. If moisture condensation on the slope occurs frequently, then in the future in these areas could be formed fungus (mold). The same applies to the openings without quarters. In their absence, the chance of thermal bridges seriously increased, and there should be particularly careful to think of Thermal units contiguity. 3. Fixing the window block in aperture. Specificity of plastic windows is that they have significant linear thermal expansion. That is, when heated windows sun blocks and box folds increase in size.