By dflrally ( June 17, 2020 at 8:26 pm) · Filed under General, computers, Software
From June 1 to August 31, the company “1C: Accounting and Trade” out an action “Enjoy the summer with ICE,” each participant is guaranteed to receive their gift: a summer hammock, inflatable chair, or a camera. The company offers a BIT our clients to take two summer helpers at once: to work – the program “1C: Enterprise 8” service company, TTI, and for recreation – summer hammock, inflatable chair bed and a camera. Tiffany & Co. is often quoted on this topic. With the purchase of “1C: Enterprise 8”, ITS and services such as Authorized Training Center 1C, adapting software products to the specifics of the organization, client consulting and individual training, signing up for subscription services, ITS subscription, the subscription for the service “Personal Assistant”, the protection of commercial information. Proposal for action does not apply to design work) you are guaranteed to receive one of three gifts from the company. – Relax on the Nature! Get a hammock to relax when you buy when purchasing software products ‘1 C: Enterprise 8 ‘, or ITS services in the amount of 12 000 rubles. – Travel with ease! Get an inflatable chair bed when purchasing software products ‘1 C: Enterprise 8 ‘, or ITS services in the amount of 20 000 rubles. – Capture the moment! Get the camera when you buy software ‘1 C: Enterprise 8 ‘, or ITS services in the amount of 50 000 rubles. Participate in action! Make your summer more enjoyable with gifts from the company “1C: Accounting and Trade” (BIT).
Company ‘1 C: Accounting and Trade ‘(ICE) – the official partner of ‘1 C’ in 1997. Quality Management System ‘1 C: Accounting and Trade ‘(ICE) in 17 offices: in five offices in Moscow, including in Central, in three offices in St. Petersburg, including the Central, and in offices in Krasnoyarsk, Kiev, Samara, Kazan, Saratov, Rostov-on-Don, Ekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Chelyabinsk, certified in accordance with international quality standard ISO 9001:2000. Specificity of the ICE is not only the automation of the enterprises on the basis of ‘1 C ‘, but also training, counseling clients on the full range of professional issues. During his time the company produced over 70,000 successful installations of automated systems. In the state of more than 1,500 employees, most of which are certified by ‘1 C ‘. BIT Company – the largest network of franchise companies ‘1 C ‘.
By dflrally ( February 22, 2018 at 4:48 am) · Filed under General, computers, Software
Company JNet systems LLC introduced an integration platform iJANet, built on the principles of SOA, at the II International exhibition-forum e-Kazakhstan, which was held in Astana, the official support of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 2 to 4 April 2008 year. In further implementing the State program for the formation of "electronic government" in the Republic of Kazakhstan, presented solutions to overcome the "digital divide", system integration, information security software. Company JNet systems LLC supports this initiative. During the exhibition, a presentation of the first Russian SOA-platform iJANet, which aroused the interest of public structures and visitors information and communication technologies. The exhibition reached an agreement on future cooperation with a number of companies in Kazakhstan. Implementing an SOA will allow them to to integrate business processes, extend the functionality of the systems, to implement a centralized data management, business applications. "Our company took part in the exhibition e-Kazakhstan . We felt interest in SOA and our product JNet, – said Leonid Gladkikh, director JNet systems LLC..
By dflrally ( October 2, 2011 at 6:36 pm) · Filed under Uncategorized, computers, Software
At present, man has become so busy the computer information that he increasingly is needed automation to deal with it, that is to restore order in their files, letters, photographs or documents. Each is painfully familiar with the situation when you know exactly what the file is you have to drive, but do not remember where – and the fun that full-text search finds nothing. The file is located in a month – it turns out, was called is not the case, and lay not there. Or need a file that has remained in office – and you're at home, or better yet – on a business trip. It is these applications that make life easier for the active user, and is dedicated to my review.
As has become clear from the above, there are two broad categories of problems to be solved such applications – is on the one hand, centralized storage of their information – files / notes / phone and on the other hand, systematization of their personal or corporate data, and, quite possibly, the combination of two. Let's start with a very interesting application DropBox (), and the only one whose essence in keeping their files in so- called the Cloud – a server on the Internet. That is, in simple words, you can write to a special folder on your computer, any file that is immediately synchronized with the server on the Internet and immediately become available owner from any other computer or even mobile phone. Very convenient – no need to carry a stick or send by mail. In the simplicity of the force. Went a little farther creators EverNote () – they not only place the user data in cloud and make them accessible from anywhere, but also offer the beginnings of systematization – to facilitate further search. In EverNote, all information is divided into pictures, notes and voice, as well as have an opportunity to tie each block information to a specific tag. Although it is worth noting that this feature is not home, and is not very convenient – in the depths of the interface that is easy to navigate through the information pushed to the background.
The creators of the third program – CuteTag () – On the contrary put forward the idea of organizing to the forefront. Tags displayed on the main screen and always in sight, though they have not yet properly synchronized with the server itself – or rather is in development according to Laid information on the site. In general, the idea of maximum simplicity dominates in such applications. For example, NotationalVelocity () is just a sample of simplicity: just one window, where you can enter any text, and if such word or phrase is already in the database – to give a hint. Following article I would like to devote the second aspect – the systematization and organization of information – and bring a number of interesting and fascinating programs dedicated to organizing information.