Everybody talks about it, but as I’m right? The car, the favorite hobby of the German man. The money is too bad hardly anyone, which is invested in the automobile. Even on the consumption is rarely respected, so long enough fun there is. We want to show you valuable tips for fuel-saving driving. In times of global economic crisis, the money has become scarce among many people in the population. Every day come new reports of losses in the billions, short work & layoffs. Nevertheless, it does not take the Germans to abandon their favourite hobby, the car.
No matter what crisis is a country, it is driving still car, because mobility is more valuable than ever. It is even more important to make sure the gasoline on a reasonably acceptable consumption. Many motorists say I already know all the tips”, every bet, here something new is also for you. You can save more money than with the correct tire pressure tire pressure with hardly another measure. Summer, year-round as winter tyres also offer only optimum grip and the least rolling resistance to the road surface when the correct tire pressure is present. The vernacular recommends to make always 0.1 to 0.2 bar over manufacturer’s instructions.
Consider manufacturer’s specifications are indicative and not mandatory laws. “Down window & air-conditioning absolute no go” grade in the summer, it’s tempting to put the window down and air conditioning at the highest level. This one hurts more than it benefits. Window down and air conditioning coupled the air conditioning ever, because this can only effectively cool if all Windows are closed. Also, the air resistance, making the car harder forward comes and this is increased consumption intensified through the open window. Constant speed and pilot looking out driving is that red traffic light at 100 m distance is unnecessary to give it gas, it brings permanent gas give and roll out anything on the highway in, except that the engine must work more and you burn more fuel. Test it yourself time, you will see this alone can save a lot. Unnecessary weight down empty beer crates of everything what you do not need cabinet by moving or the stuffed trunk for the respective tour isn’t in the car. The more weight on the car is resting, the resistance is higher. It does not mean of course, that you should leave the best buddy at home because he’s overweight 😉 Only by adherence to these 4 tips is possible to save a lot of the fuel, as well as to preserve the own purse. And not only that, protect also themselves and their fellow human beings by some thinking on the road. Because how many times had you that you will be overtaken by one with Wahnsinssgeschwindigkeit, but again meet at the next traffic light. This is simply unnecessary.
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