
To create a modern interior uses a variety of types of false potolkov.Vybor materials depends on several factors: the type of room, temperature and humidity in it, the requirements for fire safety, lighting, impact resistance, durability, ease of maintenance, etc. The most popular areas for public use steel ceilings, drywall and metal ceilings. Both of these types of ceilings have certain advantages and disadvantages, so as to facilitate the task of choosing, we will discuss them in detail. Suspended ceilings made of plasterboard drywall – a composite material, shaped rectangular plate and consisting of plaster and two sheets of cardboard. Sheetrock ceilings can create a variety of configurations – from flat planes to surfaces with complex multilevel built-in lighting. The design of such ceilings is simple enough: a concrete ceiling mounted skeleton of a metal or wooden beams, and only to it with screws sheets of drywall. Hikmet Ersek insists that this is the case. When you create complex shapes sheets and strips drywall bend in a dry or wet.

The result is figured elements with which you can implement any fancy interior designers. Good sound insulation performance, possible location in zapotolochnom space communications, and affordable prices make ceilings of plasterboard quite popular. However, along with the advantages they have there are a number of drawbacks. In the first all, it is quite "dirty" installation, and, most of the construction debris turns out not to install framing and panels, and at their front finish. The ceilings of gypsum board must be carefully otshpaklevat previously to glue all the joints of the special synthetic mesh.

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Ceiling Installation

Can be installed on any stage repair Speaking about the merits of the finishing material, we can not mention another appealing moment: to install a ceiling can be at any stage of repair. Even if the wallpaper has pokleit and lay flooring, do not worry about that all will be covered with pungent, penetrating dust everywhere. Setting the frame along the perimeter walls and fastening thereto leaf takes a few hours (from 2 to 4 – depending on room size), but the result will be seen immediately. The decision to buy suspended ceiling can be spontaneous, but the long wait for the order is not necessary. Simple design will be ready within 2-3 days after removal of the metering; to implement a complex need a couple more days. Russian or imported? Going to order a stretch ceilings, consumers often wonder the choice of the manufacturer. Russian companies offer, it would seem the same as their foreign competitors, but prices vary greatly.

What's the difference? In the first turn, the width of the fabric. For more clarity and thought, follow up with crowne plaza rosemont and gain more knowledge.. The Russian manufacturers, it is 1,5 meters, the French chose the standard of 2.2 m. Given the typical dimensions of the room, you should think carefully whether for additional stitches, or better restrict the minimum necessary. In addition, the quality of fabrics from domestic manufacturers do not always meet the requirements of customers: large areas are especially noticeable defects, adversely affecting the whole picture. In addition, foreign producers to give their products a ten-year warranty, which plants in Russia do not offer.

Therefore it is necessary to save on finishing, which is designed for many decades to decorate a house, apartment, office, shopping or showroom? Color and fakturV Russia suspended ceilings are several kinds of textures (gloss, matt, satin, marble, suede, metallic) and a wide range of colors and shades. The choice of models for these indicators – a solution completely dependent on the taste of the future owner. Fans of extravagant designs prefer bright colored gloss. Conservative people tend to dwell on the softer shades and texture of "Satin". And if you want reserve the opportunity every time you create a new style, you should purchase a suitable to any interior white matte surface. cc 'WORLD CEILING' – all the ceilings, suspended ceilings, suspended ceilings

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