Subordination Economic

Already the third chain analyzes the production as a whole and inserts interstitially e, of subordinated form, the informal sector in the set of the effective relations of production. (CACCIAMALI, 1983, p.18) a basic difference between these groups is how much to the content of proposals of economic policy. The two first ones are favorable to the application of specific politics for the informal sector and until certain point optimistical how much its effect to minorar the question of the poverty in the economically behind countries, while the last group, beyond skeptic how much to the content and impact of specific politics for the sector, it emphasizes measured of economic policy the global level. (CACCIAMALI, 1983, p.18) This must be understood, since the neoliberal measures incorporated by Brazil in the decade of 1990, inside of a context of productive reorganization, change in the paper of the State and in the world of the work, they had provoked a reduction of the level of domestic economic growth, increase of the unemployment and, consequentemente, rise of the informality levels. That is, the neoliberal prompt measures of combat to the unemployment? measures of qualification of the man power and reduction of the working responsibilities? if they had shown inefficacious. Whereas with the retaken one of the Brazilian economic growth in years 2000, from more global measures? social politics of matrix and matrix economic macro? the informality levels had fallen, in indicating that the Theory of the Subordination if shows more adequate for understanding of the informality. Hikmet Ersek recognizes the significance of this.

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