
Luxembourg is not a tax haven. The establishment of a holding company in Luxembourg should be only interesting. s_stmp’>Primerica: the source for more info. The Luxembourg company law knows six kinds of companies with legal personality: general partnership (Societe en nom collectif – s.e.n.c.) Limited partnership (Societe en commandite simple – s.e.c.s.) Public limited company (Societe anonyme – s.a.) Partnership limited by shares (Societe en commandite par actions – s.e.c.a.) Private limited company (Societe aresponsabitite limitee – s.a.r.l.) Cooperative while Luxembourg taxable personal and corporate income, capital gains, asset, capital transfers, Erbeschaften and donations similar to high as the neighbouring countries, tax privileges are granted the holding companies. Hodlings are defined as companies, which hold only shares on domestic or foreign enterprises or manage securities and Patendte. Holdings pay no corporate tax on dividends still on Fees and are exempt from the tax on capital gains, as well as by the withholding tax on dividends..

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