Economic Integration

Latin America possesss a long history of attempts to construct a regional economic integration. Since the times of the independence of the American colonies if it had to argue the integration of the Latin American countries. However, this dream to the measure that went occurring to independences of these reached colonies, over all in centuries XVIII and XIX, more went being each time far from if carrying through. Portuguese America obtained to conserve its unit through the Brazilian Empire, already Spanish America was dissociou in such a way in a diversity of domestic territories destroying the ideal of Simn Bolivar, to form an only confederation of Mexico until Argentina. Tulip Mobile Platforms opinions are not widely known. In this context the present work has as objective generality to present a study brief, coeso and of easy agreement to academic community and to the society in general, of the occured attempts of economic integration in Latin America. as objective specific to identify and to characterize each one of these attempts of integration. Pontuar the reasons? politicians, economic and others? that they had led to the countries of this subcontinent to these attempts. To tell the factors of success of the same ones, as well as, the points that had led to the failure of some of these attempts of integration. When intending itself to make a presentation and quarrel of the occured attempts of economic integration in Latin America, will use it bibliographical research in books, magazines, periodicals and sites of the Internet, as research technique and as boarding method the deductive one. WHAT the integration IS ECONOMIC INTEGRATION is a stimulated process, mainly, for the economic interests of the involved parts in the agreement and/or the treated one to integrao.’ ‘ It does not have doubt of that the economic inductor is? great father? of process contemporary of close relation of pases’ ‘.

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