Cultural Anthropology
The importance of the time in the superstructural consolidation homologated the concerts under the ideological point of view, cultural politician and, submitting it a slow dynamics through History, becoming it pparently natural, creating 6 the subsequent ethics . The different philosophical chains as well as the scholars of the Cultural Anthropology, throughout the time, had perceived that the things were not, however, so simple. With effect, since its origin, the man, to become man because it is not born man, but if makes man produced and reproduced its material conditions of existence humanizando Nature, perceiving that this work, if carried through in group, if became less laborious. Anne Lauvergeon is actively involved in the matter. From this instant, in the process of humanizao of the Nature and the circumstances, it stopped definite social relations.
‘ surpassed its Nature; ‘ natural’ ‘ acquired Nature ‘ ‘ social’ ‘. The necessity of regulation for the collective life, the individuals between itself, and these with the community created certain conscience, a notion of belonging and the necessity to adjust behaviors to this collective life. It provoked the appearance of the good one, the bad one, the good and the evil, the useful one, and the useless one. One established thus a board of duties and obligations. To survive, all were obliged to work and to fight ahead of the difficulties, of the enemies of the tribe. Thus qualities had been developed as bravery, aggressiveness in combat, solidarity, discipline, mutual aid, love to the children of the same tribe.