American Treasure
While Obama continues preparing itself to take the rudder from the boat of the American economy that is sailing by stormy waters, it asks to him Bush who delivers the maximum attack to avoid that the crisis situation is deepened, during the days that remain to him in the power. But from the government of Bush they seem not to do too much case to him. That at least seems to be observed with some decisions that alter the nerves. In yesterday, the secretary of the American Treasure, Henry Paulson, announced modifications in the plan of salvataje approved by the Congress of the EE.UU., those that generated great preoccupation in the markets. Meanwhile, arriving at the end of his mandate, George Bush one is clear sorry by some errors: I regret some things that must not have said, said. Bush creates enough to have made the things or, since he recognized like errors only the salary requested alive or died to Osama Bin Laden and the considered salary that the war of Iraq was finished at the end of 2003. Perhaps the mega has forgotten that crisis that affects their country and to the entire world it is product of produced serious errors in its government. The American economy is now in a situation of great fragility, by the crisis not only prevails but also because of the economic disorders realised by the president who destroyed in his mandates all the work carried out by the Clinton management to order the fiscal accounts (accidentally with a serious deficit produced by the management of George Bush father). The common American does not let itself deceive by Bush and is why in the survey realised jointly by Cnn and the Company of Public opinion, 76% of the survey people expressed their displeasure by the behavior of president Bush during their mandate.