Works His first

Works His first book, April (1935), published just before the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, links with the style of the poetry of the previous generation for its aesthetic research and the importance of images, but not avant-garde pretensions. Like some 27 poets, this book is in youth a taste for classical verse, and in general by the poetry of the Spanish Golden Age, particularly Garcilaso and Herrera. However, its main innovation is the combination of loving-religious themes. His next work, The best Queen of Spain. Figuration in prose and verse (1939), written in collaboration with LF Vivanco, is a subject very own test of time, imbued with the ideology and recalling past glories Falangist. In the postwar era, participated in several prestigious literary magazines as Escorial. In 1941 appears The content of the heart, and loving classical tone. In 1949 he published the first version of the burning house, regarded by critics his best work.The book was remade and expanded to produce a new version, published in 1967. Something similar happened with his first book, April, which was revised and expanded with new poems and republished in 1972 under the title Second April, almost 40 years after its first ion. The house is a poem-turned-book written in free verse stanzas, where Rosales without interspersed lyricism and narrative, existentialism and imagination, rationality and irrationality, kicking off a new poetics that incorporates personal resources of Cesar Vallejo and Antonio Machado. Between 1937 and 1951 worked on the book Rhymes (1951) exploring the short poem, demonstrating its great versatility and technical mastery. Among his essays include Cervantes and Freedom (1960), Passion and death of the Count of Villa Mediana (1962). His later works, more autobiographical and disheartened, keep the union of lyric and narrative with surreal and present findings in the burning house.

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