Constitutional Court

The Catholic must respect the will of the testador, or is that there is personal commercial interests or prebandage of his leaders whom they prevent to do it? He does not know why it now after 50 years of operation? The present university is not " Pontifical nor Catlica" because they do not govern the dispositions of the Canonical Right, nor either those of Juan Pablo II in Christian Sapientia. Also, they do not have including in its statute the Apostolic Constitution " Ex- Corde Eclessiae". It is obvious that by its nature a catholic university is that one that comprises of the structure of the catholic Church. The Archbishopric of Lima has published the book " The Inheritance of the Riva Omen: that the truth becomes light and illuminates on tinieblas" , where are all the documents of the controversy with the Catholic and they are explained in detail. For assistance, try visiting James Reinhart. It is more can free of charge unload, it in: The 17 of March a year of the transcendental failure of the Constitutional Court will be marked who gives him to the reason to the Archbishopric of Lima and by which all sentence of any court must go in agreement with the mentioned failure. The catholics we have a university that must be given back to the catholicism. It is not possible that the asolapados caviars or Communists have seized of a Pontifical and Catholic university. As it indicated to Cipriani cardinal " I have the particular responsibility to promote the PUCP, and especially to follow it and to attend it in maintenance and in the fortification of its catholic identity, is for that reason that I must affirm that the PUCP like pontifical and catholic university must maintain with the Church, with me in my double condition of ordinary of the place and great chancellor, an entailment that is essential for its identity institucional".

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The Corporative

The corporative administrative right is the branch of the public, enterprise and corporative right that studies and regulates the incidence of the public administration in the great company like the administrative processes that can take the same. The banking right is the branch of the deprived, mercantile, enterprise and corporative right that studies and regulates the banking institutions, putting record that all the banks are great companies in the Peruvian right. The right of insurances and reinsurance is the branch of the deprived right, mercantile, enterprise and corporative that studies and regulates the insuring companies, thus we must need that all stas is considered in the Peruvian right like great companies.

The corporative procedural right is the branch of the procedural, corporative and enterprise right that studies and regulates the processes that transact the great companies, for example when a bank initiates a process of execution of garantas against a client who has incurred blackberry. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Western Union. The financial right is the branch of the deprived, enterprise and corporative right that studies and regulates the financial institutions, which in the Peruvian right always are great companies. The corporative customs right is the branch of the pblico, enterprise and corporative right that studies trmites customs officers of the great companies, between which we can mention the desaduanaje. The corporative tributary right is the branch of the pblico, enterprise and corporative right that studies and regulates the tributes like the tributary procedures followed by great companies. The corporative international right is the branch of the enterprise and corporative right that studies and regulates incidence of the great companies in the international right. The corporative labor right is the branch of the right labor, labor enterprise, enterprise and corporative that studies and regulates the labor right applicable to the great companies.

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Lehman Brothers

According to the new regulation, all company/signature that is considered, has insufficient capital, can be reconstructed or even closed by the regulators. The subject happens here through the suitable measurement that can realise the regulators, that must neither underestimate nor to overestimate the level of sufficiency of capital of the companies. That can be assured through some type of regulation? The subjective component in these evaluations can be a determining factor at the time of considering if an organization has capitalization problems. One is due at least to recognize that it is a good initiative. The challenge for the new regulation happens to have balance and capacity of immediate action. The regulation must be effective to control that the financial system and its component institutions, do not exceed in the taking of risks, but the regulating action does not have either to drown the development and growth of the financial system. An important element that it adds the regulation proposal is that the bad administration of the financial organizations can put in risk the stability of the high positions.

In fact, to those organizations in which the capitalization level is insufficient, putting in risk their solution, their executives could be dismissed (with possible loss of prestige). Among others measured to avoid the excessive taking of risk regulation will look for to limit so much the risky positions as the incentives to take these positions: it is so the regulation will limit the exhibitions of credit, as well as the wages and bonds (limiting in this way the incentives the cortoplacistas decisions of the banking executives). For the new regulation, the size yes matters. From the government of the USA it is preferred that too great financial organizations do not exist to fall. The sad experience of Lehman Brothers, has demonstrated that it is not possible to drop to a financial institution of great size without waiting for deep and lasting consequences on the financial system.

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San Marcos Study

In order to carry out a market study it is necessary surveys, interviews, observation, comparison, poltica of prices of other similar products with which compartir the market, or to which eliminar in the same, that is to say, not is stage but process, which must be ordered to the specialists who are the marketeros, that in the best one of the cases must count on university studies on marketing, leaving certainty that in maestra of enterprise right of the greater national university of San Marcos teaches marketing, consequently the promotions of the same tendrn or contarn with people with studies of the art matter of study in the present, in such sense formarn competitive lawyers but for a more and more demanding market. That is to say, these lawyers encontrarn better preparations in the referred thing to marketing, with respect to other professionals, thus we hoped that in this maestra slight knowledge offer as to carry out a study of market, to be able to place or or a service in the market without problems of competition, prices, buyers, competition, among others very important subjects within marketing. 29. TOTAL QUALITY the total quality consists of improving the production improving the company, but without moving the structures, thus this theory is of application to the companies but you emphasize, of which the changes must consist slo in adjustments, thus it is clear that it deserves to consider this, that is to say, that structures do not move. The total quality is not just as the re-engineering, thus next we will develop this ltima to be to da with ltimas new features of the right of the company.

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Spanish Industralist

Industralist: Pere Muleteer Sanchez Commercial Denomination: GO! Forklifts & Let s GO! Web site: Beginning of the interview 1. How industralist, What you think of the Economic Crisis? Obvious as much at professional level as personal I undergo the present crisis, however, also I am of the opinion that the moments of crisis is the moments adapted for the transformations, the changes, the adaptations to the new situations of market and can be the opportune moments abrir itself to new opportunities of business. Paraphrasing to Albert Einstein at the moments of crisis the imagination is only more important that the knowledge. All we know that the present crisis has their origin in the avarice, the almost lujuriosa greed, and the weakness of world-wide the financial system, and therefore the effect of the present crisis is global, and the measures to take to try to mitigate it also must be measured global whose first purpose is the renovation of the bases that they sustain to the financial system, which needs to return to take like basic pillars ethical principle of the wealth generation but awarding the generation of productive wealth over the merely understanding whose unique aim is in the fast generation of benefits creating, in many cases, false expectations of fast financial success and low risk level for the investors. In macroeconomics also the physical law can be applied that says the energy is not created nor is destroyed, only becomes, like the wealth is not created nor is destroyed, flows and only changes of deposit takers. 2. What measures you have taken to face this Economic Crisis? The first measurement to take for being able to confront this period of crisis happens through the budgetary austerity, which does not mean to reduce the investment, if not to analyze in greater detail where and what way we applied to our investments and the results that we hoped of them.

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Some exercises for the good leadership consist of several minutes introspection newspapers, technique that is used to help to think before responding, avoiding outbreaks, conflicts and adverse reactions. To avoid the impulsivas reactions and stress deserves several types of exercises, physical as emotional and as much mental. To learn to connect itself with the own emotions is task of all, to learn to connect itself with the other people’s emotions is task of the leader, and emotional balance of the leader, is known, been vital. Because " The anguish is a contagious emotion, just as alegra". Today in the highly competitive companies the economic stimulus is noncoarse welcome but, the climate in the work is very important to change the result of the company generally, and depends on the leader to foment this general state, being careful when critical and euphoric when it praises. But the greater emotional allowance comes from the hand to do a work that excites, that you can love and that you enjoy to realise. Everything what comes from the hand of the vocation and the internal recognition is source of the majors emotions positive, it reinforces the confidence and it leads by the way of the good accomplishments. Coaching enterprise and labor not only generates majors gains to the company but also enormous gains to the employee with conditions of yal leader who does not have them, since he generates a space of optimal work for all, that fructify in vital happiness. Original author and source of the article.

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American Treasure

While Obama continues preparing itself to take the rudder from the boat of the American economy that is sailing by stormy waters, it asks to him Bush who delivers the maximum attack to avoid that the crisis situation is deepened, during the days that remain to him in the power. But from the government of Bush they seem not to do too much case to him. That at least seems to be observed with some decisions that alter the nerves. In yesterday, the secretary of the American Treasure, Henry Paulson, announced modifications in the plan of salvataje approved by the Congress of the EE.UU., those that generated great preoccupation in the markets. Meanwhile, arriving at the end of his mandate, George Bush one is clear sorry by some errors: I regret some things that must not have said, said. Bush creates enough to have made the things or, since he recognized like errors only the salary requested alive or died to Osama Bin Laden and the considered salary that the war of Iraq was finished at the end of 2003. Perhaps the mega has forgotten that crisis that affects their country and to the entire world it is product of produced serious errors in its government. The American economy is now in a situation of great fragility, by the crisis not only prevails but also because of the economic disorders realised by the president who destroyed in his mandates all the work carried out by the Clinton management to order the fiscal accounts (accidentally with a serious deficit produced by the management of George Bush father). The common American does not let itself deceive by Bush and is why in the survey realised jointly by Cnn and the Company of Public opinion, 76% of the survey people expressed their displeasure by the behavior of president Bush during their mandate.

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End of Language

The well-known Phenomenon of End of the Language ( I know that I know something although I cannot remember it, although I have in the end of the language ) is a subjective state that, in certain occasions, a person undergoes when he is sure that she knows a word certain but, at the same time, he is not able to accede to her and to emit it. One would be a selective failure in the lexical recovery from the semantic memory. One is a design of an investigation that would analyze the effect priming, in two different varieties: semantic versus perceptual (visual), in phenomenon PL. In the experiment 180 subjects would participate (men/women), of ages between 25 55 years, distributed in different groups from age. Controlled the effect cultural level and the semantic type of priming, one only appears of associative type.

The formulated hypothesis is that it will be hoped to obtain better latency of answer when in the task of induction of phenomenon PL priming appears semantic that when priming appears visual. The obtained results of the investigations of Brown and McNeill would be discussed to the results considering, and in relation to the theories of the Conexionistas Models. Key words: phenomenon end of the language effect priming lexical access Introduction According to Levelt (1989), an adult of average education owns an active vocabulary that contains about thirty thousand words, which makes comprehensible that the study of the processes of access to the lexicon is so fascinating for the investigators, when trying to discover how a so quick election of the word adapted during the fluid speech can be carried out, requiring for it a series of processes of lexical recovery practically automated.

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South Africa

Other studies also indicate that the natural grass can help to support the cardiovascular system and to maintain the healthy arterial pressure within normal range. The recent studies also have demonstrated beneficial effects in the health and the support of the systems implied in the cardiac blood flow. (Racz-Kotilla And, Racz G, Solomon A. The action of Taraxacum officinale extracts on the body weight and diuresis of laboratory animals. Med 1974 plants; 26: 212 7). (Leuchtgens H. special Crataegus extract WS 1442 in heart failure, NYHA II. To placebo-controlled randomized double-blind study.

Drug Res1993; 3: 352-4.) (Hempel B, Kroll M, Schneider B. Efficacy and safety of to herbal drug containing hawthorn berries and D-camphor in hypotension and orthostatic circulatory disorders/results of to retrospective epidemiologic cohort study Robugen GmbH Pharmazeutische Fabrik, Esslingen-Zell 2005; 55 (8): 443-50. PMID: 16149711) These grass used in natural remedies supports the balance of the water in the body Betulina Agathosma (also known as Buchu) has been used by the natural ones of the western end of South Africa by many centuries. The leaves of buchu contain 1,0 – 3,5% volatile as well as flavonoides oils – composed found in the fruits and vegetables that have diverse biochemical effects and beneficial antioxidants. Buchu supports the natural capacity of the body to get rid of toxins stimulating the secretion of the conserved water what it does a natural diurtico to him.

The investigation suggests it natural antiseptic action is due to the volatile oils, of which it thinks that the primary component that it has anti-bacterial action is disophenol monoterpene. (Simpson D. Buchu South Africa herbal s amazing remedy. Scott Med J 1998; 43:189 – 91 (review). (Didry N, Pinkas M. To propos du Buchu. You plant M d ET Phytoth r 1982; 16:249 – 52). Taraxacum officinalis (also known as tooth lion) was used in the native American medicine and it is commonly in many parts of the today world.

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Professional Educational

To take in addition, in account some opinions that have been arisen on this subject, like that it indicates Trahtemberg, when he needs that the professors must to work but it last to encourage sustantivas interactions between the participants of the educative process. That one works in equipment. The educators must be facilitators of education and to toil with the effective dimensions of her, who they can ignore at the moment at which the value of the computer science of the education is overestimated. The educator must be designer of learning methods. On the other hand, one remembers to us, which comments Eduardo Doryan, who esteem that the educative systems must evolve fast and permanently so that through the formation of better to be human societies they find the answers to the challenges that present/display. And summary: To learn continuously.

Which the learning has become a challenge and it not only happens in the school or the university. It is a continuous effort? It must exist collaboration? It must of being competent and to have initiative? One is due to have brings back to consciousness of the paper that each carries out To it also comments Francisco Guerrero is due to consider, who the educational college students would be due to guide through the following directions: Professional direction. One concentrates in the qualification for all the functions of the educational college student. Personal direction. One is based on the change of individual attitudes and of the personal conduct of the educational one to improve the learning of the students through the improvement of education. Collaborative direction. The didactic qualification of the professor would carry out by means of the interchange of experiences and the information and participation in projects of educative innovation. Reformadora direction. Its intention is to use the programs of professional development as strategy to motivate to the university professors towards the improvement of the educative practice Is important in addition, to take into account, for example, which contributes to the Prof.

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