Government’s strategy

If you want to save money and Save the earth you should contact is your number one source for clean and green energy In 2004, the Peruvian government proposed a energy management National Strategy for Water Resources Management (Committee) which is currently being alternative energy debated renewable energy source and is energy renewable wind pending approval. The main objectives are:
Renovacion institutional and legal alternative energies framework defined to include: (i) renewables energy a resolution of the inconsistency between the General Water Law and the Law on Natural energy resources Resources alternative energy source and transfer the operation and performance of irrigation systems to Watershed Authorities to promote renewable energy sources participation in decision-making processes and (ii) institutional development strategies formalize water rights and pollution, and establish a comprehensive system of tariffs to cover operation and maintenance activities.
Integrated management of water resources wind energy by focusing energy on both supply and demand for water, considering the environmental, social electrical energy and economic. Includes a plan to modernize the existing alternative energy sources irrigation infrastructure in Peru with the aim of hydro energy improving the overall efficiency energy efficiency of solar energy irrigation systems from solar power energy 35 to alternate energy 45 or 50 .
Improved quality of water resources with an initiative to conserve green energy water resources upriver to reduce sedimentation, creates a pollution control authority to monitor agricultural and industrial discharges, promote water recycling and improve the drainage problems and coastal salinity.
Disaster management and mitigation, which includes supervision consistent climate, energy conservation reforestation in strategic areas bio energy upriver, alternative energy funds water and improved biomass energy urban planning to energy technology prevent renewable energies settlement in areas of american wind energy association high risk.
Capacitacion and water culture and educational programs for students from kindergarten to university level on the economic, hydroelectric energy social alternative energy stocks and energy sources environmental dimensions new energy of clean electricity water resources.
Information system on water resources that strengthen the networks that control the quality and quantity renewable energy of water, which makes available to the public accurate sustainable energy information. nuclear energy (See National Strategy for alternative energy companies Water Management)

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