Cooking Instructions

Separately in a skillet place olive oil, butter and remaining garlic; Cook for 1 minute over medium heat Add onion; mix up to unify the ingredients; Cook until the onion to crystallize add the pork to the sauce; stir very well and saute for 4 minutes add tomato and saute for an additional 4 minutes over medium heat add the cumin, chicken broth and chili pepper jalapeno; Cook for 30 minutes over medium heat fix of salt and pepper; turn off the heat and let stand until this meat at room temperature, add grated cheese and mix up to unify the preparation of the dough ingredients: in a bowl, place the flour and salt; slowly add water while mixing with the other hand knead well until dough has a certain consistency, until a firm, smooth, homogeneous and smooth let mixture stand for one 4-5 minutes preparation of Pupusas: divide the dough into small balls to medium-sized smaller than the fist of the hand then take one of the balls and the fingers makes a hole in the center of the ball; place 1 tablespoon of the filling of pork with cheese closing hole and flatten the ball of dough to shape into a wheel or disc; with alternate clapping of one hand against the other, is molding a wheel of mass; Once list, always in circular motion, until you achieve the desired thickness, up to form the pupusa filled, passing through the edge fingers slightly dampened in water to the curved shape and the same time close it. Repeat the above procedure, with the rest of the hot mass over high heat the budare, or failing the iron, place arepas until they acquire some Browning on both sides. Place the pupusa on the surface, for about 6 to 8 minutes; later of turn so to cook the other side, which will be ready approximately in the same time. Presentacion de el Plato: serve on a dish accompanied by a salad of cabbage, carrot, onion and green pepper cut into strips (julienne) previously pickled in vinegar. Tips: You can replace the filling of pork with cheese for cheese only, pork rinds, pork with cheese, fish stew, stuffed with squash, mixed beans. It can also be cheese and loroco, of cheese and green chili, meat, chicken, cheese and leaves of mulberry, cheese and of chipilin, cheese and squash blossom flower. Can also make pupusas revueltas calls that are prepared with pork, cheese and beans that makes a mixture then filled pupusas notaries to juliopena@dalilasgourmet.

com or contact us at our website:. dalilasgourmet. com we are a Venezuelan marriage formed by Dalila & Julio Pena. Dalila Chef international bakery and professionally in French pastry shop; Julio Licenciado en Ciencias prosecutors, professional in culinary arts, professional French pastry and Chef at international bakery, in addition to extensive experience in the management of small and medium-sized enterprises of the food sector. We immigrate to the United States in year 2. 006, with a dream to develop careers in the sector of food franchises. This year begin a so-called advanced project: Dalilas Gourmet, a company of services of preparation of Latin food with Gourmet quality!. We live in Miami, Florida and have three children.

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