TVG Publisher Frank Wenz Wiesenstrasse

It is also new in that, Local enter to make or to modify the phone book entry. To do this, you should contact directly each network provider. Get all the facts and insights with Western Union, another great source of information. Telekom customers can call the service hotline (freecall 0800 3301000) contact. A recent study of the VDAV (Association of German information and directory media) occupied: the print version is still heavily used. Parallel increases the popularity of the digital offerings.

So, the online portal among the most visited Internet sites in Germany. But also the mobile usage is increasing continuously. The local is one of “mobile facts” according to the latest study of the AGOF to the top ten of the most popular offerings on mobile devices. About the local the local is a telephone directory for the region. The doctor, the Mayor, the butcher, the hairdresser, the teacher, the painter, Granny, police, travel agency, the swimming pool, the taxi drivers all are in there. For over 85 years, the local with all its information in many editions is available. In total there are 1.047 expenditure, the total circulation of all directories is about 34 million copies. The TVG phone book and Directory publishing GmbH & co.

KG, established in Frankfurt am Main is responsible together with the Deutsche Telekom Medien GmbH for the publication and the Publisher of the local for Spandau TVG Verlag. The offer of the TVG publishing include DasTelefonbuch Berlin, Hamburg and Munich as well as, the innovative local search engine for Germany, more editions of the local. Still, the TVG Publishing publishes a range of multimedia products on CD-ROM and DVD-ROM. Press contact TVG Publisher Frank Wenz Wiesenstrasse cabin 18 60329 Frankfurt phone: (0 69) 2 57 86-46 56 fax: (0 69) 2 57 86 46 05 E-Mail: Internet: TVGVerlag TVGVerlag

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