Inside from the school playing has suffered these transformations, being that the trick integrates a work space: the free trick passes to be considered a not productive activity. Free playing must happen in the school? For Moyles (2002), perhaps not, if the vision of the professor will be to the one of an instructor or giver of knowledge. However, inside of the notion of the professor as a mediator and starter of the learning, free playing and the directed one they are essential aspects of the interaction of the professor/child, because the professor in such a way allows how much he provides the necessary and appropriate resources. ' ' It had an advance as for the studies and research regarding the importance and understanding of playing, for the description-cultural preservation, to the education, the infantile integral development, the learning, the re-education, the security in the manufacture of toys, the adequacy of the toys to the different etrias bands. As for the esternos factors of playing? time, thematic, space, partners, objects -, the modernity conditions had compromised, of certain form, the chances ldicas' ' (FRIEDMANN, 2003).
For Grandson (2001: 46), playing provide a multidimensional development of being creative, inhaling to the autonomy, to the apt freedom and to live in narrow relation with the community. According to exactly author, fits to the professor to provide objective activities that allow free playing and directed playing in accordance with previously considered. Psicomotricidade and Aprendizagem the psicomotricidade is an educational boarding that has as objective to promote the development of the pupils assisting them in the alfabetizao process (ASSIS, HISSES and RASP, 2008). According to Molinari and Sens (2003, cited for ASSIS, HISS and RASP, 2008), the psicomotora education provides the development of the corporal project, very useful in the motor coordination, the slight knowledge of time, space and rhythm assist in the concrete situations in the learning and of the calculations; the space and secular organization contributes as well as in the efetuao of the mathematical calculations in the rank of the numbers in series and the combination of the forms to make geometric constructions, beyond developing the affective socialization and aspects.