The Use
New systems today far beyond the spell check and monitor compliance with grammar – and company-specific style rules in addition. The latter prevent, for example, the exceeding of certain set length or the use of too many passive constructions. Also the editor displays sites from the translation memory and the terminology system which ensures a consistent choice of words as well as the reuse of already translated formulation variants. This increases the quality of the source text and reduces the costs for the subsequent translations. How companies through the use of their own language technologies can optimize their translation management and achieve a higher data and process safety, as demonstrated in the next part of the workshop.
A consistent client/server-based operation for all internal and external Translator and open interfaces to the upstream systems enable a seamless process from the translation to the editing and release. A meaningful reporting gives information about the actually incurred costs. Finally a Central provides translation memory and terminology system for maximum reuse and consistency. Finally the participants will learn how they can parallel publish their documentation to different output channels according to the single-source publishing principle: as Web pages, online help, product catalogues or application and maintenance Handbook. Are based on a single data produces different output formats and specific requirements to the layout as well as internal cross references and the display of images. The workshops take place in Dortmund, Leipzig, Stuttgart, Munich and Vienna. Target group are those who deal with the editorial, translation or publication of product and corporate communication or hire them. Attendance is by prior arrangement at the fax number 030-4081895-99 or email. “More information under: xml_roadshow_2010.pdf about across systems across systems (, headquartered in Karlsbad near Karlsruhe and Glendale, California, is a manufacturer of the across language server of the world’s leading independent technology for the linguistic supply chain ‘.