The Revolution

Estesequipamentos can be plugados direct in door USB or FireWire of umcomputador and can all clonar the content of the docomputador hard disk, or receive a great volume from photos and data. Capacity: the same ones of records rigid that they equip portable machines desktop or, currently between 120 GB and 2 TB.Durabilidade: controversial subject, depending on the manufacturer and the quality doequipamento. Some users lose its equipment after 2 or 3anos of use, other users are with its hard disks funcionandopor dcadasRe-usability: thousand of vezesPrs: cheap, of high capacidadeContras: great and disfigured, the chacoalhes are not resistant; for its altacapacidade of storage, one hardware imperfection can mean aperda of many data Band of price for device: R$ 376,50 R$ 3,382, 50NuvemAltima word in storage of data does not occupy space in its table, pocket and nor it can be piled up. The fashion is to record given remotely, nainternet, the storage in cloud. In this modality, the dadostodos are housed in servers online, what vantagemclara brings one: availability of archives in any place where to exist umcomputador and a connection to the Internet. With the wide popularizao dabanda and higher speeds each time available paracontratao, is each more viable time if to possess one backup remote.

Ainternet is repleta of services of the sort, of varied epreos styles, with gratuitous ones, even so sufficiently limited (to few GB). Constant Umapreocupao in this in case that he is with the availability guarantee ebackup of the data. A company who closes its doors, that is ' ' engolida' ' for a greater, it needs to guarantee to its deseus customers the availability data for enough time until migre for a new service, if thus to decide. We approach this subject of namatria form more deepened ' ' The Revolution of the Computation in the Nuvens' '. Capacity: it in accordance with varies the contracted plan and the supplier of the servioDurabilidade: indefinite Reverse speed-usability: indefinite Advantages: accessible data of any place where connection to internetContras exists: it demands care raised in the hour to contract a service with relation privacidade of the data and the availability in eventual changes daempresa contracted esteem Price: it varies of agreement with the service, but exists alternative gratuitous Ospreos had been gotten as measured of comparison between medias and foramfeitos from one same virtual store. The only exception had been ospreos of pendrives, gotten from another virtual store..

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