The Color Graphics
The Color Graphics Adapter Color Graphics Adapter (Color Graphics Adapter) or CGA, marketed in 1981, was the first color graphics card IBM (originally called “Color / Graphics Monitor Adapter”), and the first standard color chart for the IBM PC. When IBM entered the PC market in 1981, the CGA standard, despite having appeared at the same time, was little used at first, since most of the buyers acquired the PC for business use. For other computers had games more popular, and at that time were not considered to have color graphics other than purely recreational use. Consequently, many early PC buyers opted for the MDA (Monochrome Display Adapter), which only allowed the display of text. In 1982 he sold the Hercules Graphics Card, which allowed display graphics in monochrome at a resolution much greater than the CGA, and is more compatible with the MDA, which further hurt sales of the CGA.Everything changed in 1984 when IBM introduced the IBM Personal Computer / AT and the Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA). This brings the price down considerably old CGA card and became an interesting alternative of low cost, so that new companies engaged in the manufacture of PC clones quickly adopted it. The non-PC Low-cost AT CGA cards sold very well in subsequent years, as a result many games were released for them despite their limitations. Kirk Sanford CGA’s popularity began to fade when the VGA card in 1987 became the new high-level solution, relegating the EGA to the low cost PC. The CGA standard IBM card incorporating 16 Kbytes of VRAM, and allowed to display multiple text and graphics modes. The maximum resolution anyway was 640 200, and the supported color depth was 4 bits (16 colors). The most known, used in most games CGA showed 4 colors at a resolution of 320 200.Although the 4 colors were generally considered the limit for the CGA card, you could increase that amount through various methods (some official, some not).