The 1st steps
The 1st steps to being vegetarian Beyond that it is for your health, animals, environment or any other reason, you may be, along with many others, considering the vegetarian you again. Here are some hints to start, or even to start thinking about how to start .. . INVESTIGATE! Explore. Gather information. Study what reasons have led many people to leave the meat. He discovers that being a vegetarian is easy and healthy. Learn about the myths surrounding vegetarianism (including calcium, iron and protein). Knowledge is power. THINK! Think of the animals. Think of your body. Think of the Earth. Consider the impact of your food choices on those around you and the world. Remember: “we are what we eat.” HABLA! Talk to vegetarians. Talk to non-vegetarians. Question. Share your concerns. It starts out with vegetarians. Visit Website vegetarians. Participate in demonstrations and campaigns. PONTE GOALS! Make this a game. Bet your friend you can be a month without stepping on a McDonald’s, or two weeks without roasting or eggs. When you win, reward. Only you depends on your commitment to vegetarianism progress. KITCHEN! Vegetarian cuisine is presented as a brave new world. Take classes. Get books and magazines. Try new recipes. Be creative. Have fun doing it. Notes that meatless meals are not only possible, but unlimited. Come! Make lunchtime special. Chew slowly, savor each bite well. Share your food with others. LISTEN! Try to be aware of the needs of your body. Rest when tired. Eat when you’re hungry. Pay attention to your body-will fade discover that the feeling of “heavy” after eating. Vegetarian foods not only feel good, but that energize your life. Respect your body. Learn the connection between what supplies and what you returned. EXPERIENCE! Make changes in your lifestyle. Explore macrobiotic or raw food diets. Visit restaurants and houses of vegetarian food. Discover the cuisine of other countries. Make new sports. Try yoga. Investigate the world of animal liberation. Now that you’ve stopped eating them, discover new ways to help animals. Explore your interests. PREPARE! You may find resistance from your family and friends group. Get ready for this (family meals can be terribly stressful, it is difficult to question the “traditional foods”). Be strong. Trust in yourself. Prepare for questions such as “perhaps the plants are not living things “, “Are not farm animals go extinct if we were all vegetarians “.Examine your questions and answer them: am I getting enough vitamins Am I doing the right thing Relax. Talk to your friends. Search your books. If you stumble, get up and learn from your mistakes. WELCOMES! Marks the day that you left the meat, place that day. Renew your choice.