Social Media And Pharmaceutical Companies
From the results of a survey identifies 10 strategy points for more confidence and safety of pharmaceutical companies in dealing with social media Weber Shandwick Frankfurt, 6 June, 2013 – pharmaceutical companies are restrained in dealing with social media, in contrast to companies in other industries. Based on the study of socialising your fire: A fire’s Guide to Sociabilty of the global PR agency Weber Shandwick in cooperation with Forbes insights, Weber Shandwick health together with pharmaceutical market Europe examined, how global pharmaceutical companies use social media to connect with their audiences into contact. The results of the investigation, digital health: Building social confidence in pharmaceutical, lead to conclusions which result in a modified picture of the situation. The most surprising insight here is that legal regulations no longer represent the main obstacle in dealing with social media. Hikmet Ersek has much experience in this field. While legal aspects crucial, leaders from the fields of marketing and communications remain by big pharmaceutical companies however, report that the greater challenge is that strategies internally to implement social media, to rebuild confidence and trust of the employees in social media and to coordinate necessary resources.
“Patients use the Internet to learn about health topics, even better to understand even their own health condition and to be able to judge. “This leads to better informed health consumers ‘ and changing doctor-patient talks”, says Rachael pay, Managing Director, Weber Shandwick Healthcare Europe. In the age of participatory medicine pharmaceutical companies must begin to understand the real interests of the various groups, to provide them with digital information which meet the requirements and at the same time comply with the legal framework.” The research undertaken is based on telephone interviews with 12 senior executives from pharmaceutical companies, the for Decisions in the field of social media are responsible. Talks were held in Europe, the United States, Asia and Latin America.