Persian Affection
The principle I also did not hide my unpleasantness, but later, understanding that did not pass of devaneios of poet, said any pilhria to it and I followed ' in front; '. Times others. That they had not been few, same without finding nobody, the poet, with its fantastic imagination, any created a type envolto in one sri, a odalisca, a gitana and was imagined with it on a Persian carpet and under the tenuous clarity of a moon in increasing or then in Albornoz extended to the shade of a tamareira of hypothetical oasis. These auto stimulations despertavam estro to it. It caught the lira and of it pulled out sounds as these: You come me, I go you, we hug in them In a supreme indefinite silence! With the body mine to the body joined yours, Fauno and nymph of the love in the love we enjoy. Beyond land, beyond us let us hang After holocausto consumed! Your pretty one to look in my perdio look, Ours two bodies that in one we only join! In a dream excelso you have affection and yearnings Kiss your lips, your seios the holy ghosts In the heathen desire that in them renews Empalideces in supreme enjoying, Having in the face I am delirious in it extreme, the pallor astral of the new moon! Inah still counted to me that, in certain day, it and Freire for the street went Joo Person, when had met with declaiming notable who this of ticket for Aracaju.
' ' At that time sculo did not have in our way so wide use as it happens currently, the two worshippers of the muses had changed in the occasion many efusivos kisses and abraos. the source. Indulgente part wife attended these transports of affection. Of this apercebendo it talentosa interpreter, I enter in explanations.