Norwegian Attorney General
The complexity of the case, in which there are still many points unsolved, makes the Norwegian Attorney General look not possible that the trial starts before 2012. Two specialists undergo Anders Behring Breivik to various psychological tests, while his lawyer defends that it is crazy. The trial against Anders Behring Breivik, confessed author of the double bomb attack in Norway that killed 76 people, will begin the year coming because of the complexity of the case, said Thursday the Norwegian Attorney General, Tor-Aksel Busch. According to statements by counsel to the radio station NRK, case is so broad that elaborate the contents take quite some time, so the prosecution can be formulated as sooner early in the coming year. The Attorney General stressed that there are still many points unsolved and that out of respect for the victims and those affected, research is being very thorough. The police are combing both (the island of) Utoya as the Government building to find evidence.
In addition, many of those who survived are being questioned, all this in order to know as much as possible of what happened, said. He expressed his hope that people understand that you it’s a laborious job and here, like that in other cases of murder, the investigation must be thorough. On Tuesday, the Prosecutor of the Norwegian police, Christian Hatlo, ahead the ability to impute to Breivik crimes against humanity, which could be sentenced to up to 30 years in jail, face the maximum penalty of 21 years provided the Norwegian penal code. Of course we will study it carefully, said Busch, who added that at the current stage would most appropriate be charged fees by terrorism. The lawyer of Breivik, Geir Lippestad, suggested Tuesday that his dndido is crazy and lives in a parallel world. This case points to that he is crazy, said counsel in an encounter with the media in which recounted publicly the first contacts with the ultra-right and islamofobo Breivik. Lippestad pointed out that it is still too early to make any definitive assessment about the mental state of your customer and referred to psychological exams that you will be practicing at least two specialists in the coming days.