In nature and
In nature and synthetics Caffeine is found in many plant species, where it acts as a natural pesticide. According to some studies, high levels of caffeine present in plants that are still developing young leaves but lack of mechanical protection paralyze and kill certain insects that feed on the plant. High levels of caffeine have also been found in soil around the stems in the coffee beans sprouts. It follows that caffeine has a natural role as a pesticide not only natural but also as a substance inhibiting the germination of other nearby coffee beans thus giving better chance of survival to growing plants. The sources most commonly used caffeine are coffee, tea and cocoa to a lesser extent. Other sources of caffeine used less frequently include the plants yerba mate and guarana, which are sometimes used in the preparation of herbal teas and energy drinks.Two of the alternate names of caffeine, and guaranine mate na, are derived from the names of these plants. Some enthusiasts claim that yerba mate is actually mateine a stereoisomer of caffeine, so it would be a completely different substance. This is not true because caffeine is a chiral molecule and therefore has no enantiomers, nor have other stereoisomers. The disparity in experience and impact among the many natural sources of caffeine may be due to the fact that plants are a source of caffeine also contain widely varying mixtures of other xanthine alkaloids, including heart estimulandes theophylline and theobromine and other substances which along with caffeine can form insoluble complexes, such as polyphenols. One of the primary sources of caffeine in the world is the coffee bean (which is the seed of the coffee plant), which is prepared coffee drink.The caffeine content of coffee varies widely depending on the type of coffee bean and the preparation method used, even the grains found in the same bush can have variations in concentration. In general, a serving of coffee ranges from 40 milligrams to a “coup” express from about 30 milliliters of the arabica variety, to about 100 milligrams for a cup (120 milliliters) of coffee. Usually roasted coffee has less caffeine than coffee unclear because the roasting process reduces the content of coffee beans. The arabica coffee normally contains less caffeine than robusta. Coffee also contains trace amounts of theophylline, but not of theobromine. Tea is another common source of caffeine. Although tea contains more caffeine than coffee, a typical serving contains a much smaller, since the tea is usually prepared in a much more dilute infusion.In addition to greater or lesser concentration of the infusion, growth conditions, processing techniques and other variables also affect caffeine content. Certain types of tea can contain more caffeine than others. Tea contains small amounts of theobromine and slightly higher levels of theophylline than coffee. The preparation and other factors have a significant impact on tea, and the color is a very poor indicator of caffeine content. Some varieties such as pale green Japanese Gyokuro tea, for example, contain more caffeine than darker films like Lapsang Souchong, which contains very little. Caffeine is also a common ingredient in many soft drinks (especially sodas) and cola originally prepared from kola nuts. These drinks typically contain between 10 and 50 milligrams of caffeine per serving.In contrast, energy drinks like Red Bull can contain more than 80 milligrams of caffeine per serving. The caffeine in these drinks originates from the ingredients used in them, or is an additive derived from the product of decaffeination or from chemical synthesis. Guarana, a primary ingredient in energy drinks, contains large amounts of caffeine with small amounts of theophylline and theobromine next to a natural excipient that produces a slow release of these substances. The chocolate derived from cocoa contains a small amount of caffeine. The slight stimulatory effect of chocolate may be due to the combination of theophylline and theobromine as well as to caffeine. A typical serving of 28 grams of milk chocolate bar has about as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee.In recent years some manufacturers have begun to add caffeine to products such as shampoo and bath soap, ensuring that caffeine can be absorbed through the skin.