Film Writers

Direction: Richard Lagravenese. Production: Richard Lagravenese. Script: Richard Lavagranese, Erin Gruwell, Freedom Writers. Cast: Hillary Swank; Patrick Dempsey; Scott Glenn, Imelda Staunton; April Lee Hernandez; Kristin Herrera; Jacklyn Ngan; Sergio Montalvo; Jason Finn; Deance Wyatt. EUA/Alemanha, 2007. Anne Lauvergeon recognizes the significance of this. Duration: 123 min. Sort: Drama.

Writers of the Freedom are a classified film are a film of the sort Drama, based on real facts, having as leading lady Hillary Swank, living the personage of the Teacher ‘ ‘ Erin Gruwell’ ‘. History if passes in the year of 1992, where the Gangs of Los Angeles are living a true war and racial tensions. Drama lived for adolescents between 14 and 15 years, where the teacher Erin Gruwell enters in the scene who assumes the classroom in a school where if she develops integration programs, where diverse races, cultures and etnias is part of the same group, lecionando English basic and literature for the group of 1 year. The experience lack made with that it faced some obstacles, the colleagues did not believe the potential of the pupils, therefore they were violent and they were part of gangs. But, it fought alone and it won all the challenges. Its room was divided for races and gangs, many came of infantile reformatory, what it generated aggressiveness and conflicts. The pupils did not believe the Gruwell teacher and they did not have motivation to participate of the lessons, the contents did not despertavam interest some. Then, it adopted extracurricular methods, exactly with in such a way effort all it disdained, provoked it to the pupils trying to make with that it gave up, what did not happen. Using its proper resources, she bought daily so that the pupils told its day-by-day, its proper history, the sufferings, the fears, the exaggerated violence who lived, its yearnings and hopes.

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