European Central Bank
The operator of the Web catalog to make the revised category ‘ banks Weiterstadt, 08 February 2012 – standstill is regression. According to this motto, operate the operators of the Web catalog and always work on improving and the quality of their Internet presence for this reason. This includes of course winning categories, providing added value in and of itself already. But must you with regard to timeliness and developments to keep up, especially in the often very fast paced Internet. From this occasion out the already award-winning section was banks’ revised and brought up to date. A number of categories and entries were added as well as optimized, so continue to professionals such as average citizens find a focal point, who quickly informed the relevant financial institutions and the Bank action. For example, the newly created category is exemplary for this help for Lehman injured”, in the affected notes and recommendations can find regarding damages. Several banks, including funding at the country level, have also been added to global, private as well as regional financial institutions.
Continue not only individual banks listed in itself but also also in related institutions and associations, as well as information pages with explanatory notes to specific topics and therefore correlated expression. Focus including references to the European Central Bank, the World Bank, international financial institutions a priority and foreign banks offering in Germany on German-language pages, as well as on focal points, which are of central importance. The Bank overview is a subcategory of TOP finance”. The section already excellent in the past has undergone a revision in critical locations. In addition to the already exemplary categorization of institutions after federal and land level or the type of Bank (cooperative, free or private), as well as the concise page descriptions with various The issue with relevant items to crucial, current developments expanded remarks. This has gained in value and benefits the Bank Overview and is equipped accordingly by the operators with a further recommendation.