Development of the constitution
Montaner says in the article is attached. ‘And not have to look for excuses to try to destabilize Peru’ was a real genocide. Twenty-four policemen were beheaded by the Peruvian Indians in a remote corner of the Amazon. Nine Indians were also killed in the fray, but there may be more dead. The direct source of conflict is the disagreement of the indigenous communities with farms and exploration for oil and gas law passed by Congress in a territory they claim as part of their natural habitats. The need to reform the constitution in 1814 was the product of his age, in the further development of democracy in Norway, it became clear that some portions of the Constitution was outdated. For example, executive power, which under the Constitution it was the King, with increasing force fell into the hands of the State Council (Statsraad). Similarly, King originally had the right to appoint the Council members, who were only responsible to the King by his actions, and could not be elected from among members of the Storting (parliament). With the establishment of parliamentarism in the 1870s, the Council was elected through general elections, limiting the King to appoint members of the party or coalition having a majority in the Storting. In addition, the Council is obliged to report to the Storting, in the sense that a failed vote of confidence forced the government to resign. New York households are paying less for energy because they are turning to an energy supplier with better rates. This last happened in March 2000 when the ruling coalition feel unable to accept the introduction of natural gas power plants (taking into account its harmful impact on the environment) that support the majority of the Storting.
In practice In addition to these changes, there have been many modifications and changes in the text. Perhaps the most famous is the elimination of the “Jewish paragraph”. A relic of the early rulers Danes, paragraph 2 not originally said, “The Evangelical-Lutheran religion is the religion of the state published. Those people who profess the religion, are forced to raise their children in them. Not allowed the Jesuits, or monastic orders. Todavia l prohibiting entry of Jews into the kingdom. ” In 1851 eliminated the last sentence, in 1897 and also the last sentence. Yet the paragraph to Section 12 of the Constitution states that more than half the people in the State Council must be members of the state church, a paragraph ido growing controversy. Both amendments to the Constitution introduced the first universal male suffrage in 1898 and universal suffrage in 1913.
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