Cleaning Services
By the way, It will be interesting to know what the rules for cleaning staff cleaning companies in Moscow. During a shift at eight o’clock in specialist cleaning company in the middle is obliged to clean 200-700 square meters. M of office space, or 400-1 500 square meters. M Trade premises, or 400-3 000 square meters. M adjacent territory in the summer, or 200-2 000 square meters. M adjacent territory in the winter, or wash 50-90 square meters. M windows. And all this for a fairly modest by Moscow standards pay 300-400 dollars.
And you say: office cleaning, washing windows, cleaning and repair! Well, to throw you the address cleaning company specializing in the liberation of Directors of headaches over the ideal of purity offices? Catch – House cleaning. Of course, we should not forget about home comfort. The eternal question of employed persons: cleaning of apartments should be done in-house or invited people yet decided in favor of the first option. But times change and people, especially the densely occupied by a responsible work, understand that the daily wet cleaning of the home has a price. Instead of a rest, playing with children and recuperation – both physical and psychological load number 2, sometimes even more nervous and costly to calories than you work. Why? And you at home as well’re like at work? ! If there we restrain myself, as I could, then the house if we get, immediately shooting from all kinds of guns and prisoners do not take.
No, really, if you have the normal earnings, delegate this function as washing windows, cleaning professionals from companies such as Cleaning Services, working with individuals. They vylizhut your apartment so that you and family members only will that sit on the veranda, drinking hot chocolate and a quack with pleasure. Comfort is not cheap, but worth it. Cleaning companies long ago moved away from those forgotten times when the cleaning of apartments was conducted only with the help of broom and rags. At their disposal now have modern equipment and cleaning agents that can help you perfectly clean and bring to light expensive household items. Say like this Persian rugs. Now there is a tendency that the Russian people are beginning to look closely to private property, buy vacation homes, cottages. Well, cleaning companies such improvement of living conditions of our citizens will be only too glad. Cleaning houses is as pronounced once the hero of a movie, stronger pieces of Shakespeare, and professional cleaning will penetrate (and gets narrower), and in these remote places.