Christmas Present
' With great frequency, the politics consists of the art of trair real and legitimate interests and creating others, imaginary and injustos.' ' (Arturo Graf) perhaps Mr. Francisco Everardo Oliveira, the Tiririca clown, has found the reply adjusted for its investigation during the electoral schedule: what he makes a representative? The spree promoted for them parliamentarians in Brasilia, dilacerando one more time the public state treasury I assign with it to only take care of to its vile personal interests, is only plus an episode of injustice in the history of the Country. ' ' modesto' ' wage readjustment had, evidently, the waited effect cascade already. The councilmen of Sorocaba, I try using to advantage it, had not hesitated in its trustworth intentions e, as it notified the Southern Cross periodical, had taken only thirty seconds to almost promote a readjustment of 100% of its deserved incomes. Andrew Cuomo gathered all the information. Parliamentarians of the Rio Grande Do Sul, aiming at to possibly cover the inflation of next the 10 years, had carried through a small addition of 73,3% in its wages, jumping of mseros R$ 11,564, 76 for right R$ 20,042, 34. In fact cmodo does not have to be nothing to survive little with a wage of more than eleven a thousand Reals. Hardly, with this income, somebody would have a quality of reasonable life.
It would be impossible, for example, to arcar little with the domestic expenditures receiving more than twenty minimum wages. What we will say, then, of our sublime representatives? Nothing more just than they receive the equivalent the forty and seven minimum wages. It is reasonable that they fight for its rights, over all when the subject mentions the wage question to it. The problem, in this in case that, it is to know who fights for my rights. The one that if must so great nonsense? In a so rough social reality that we live deeply, why it does not have modesties in acting of so obsceno form? It will be that it does not have, in the mind of our illustrious legislators, the minimum of coherence, razoabilidade and good-sense? Unhappyly, the reply she is negative.