The entrance to the National Residence Hall for medical specialization courses is a process organized by the institutions that make up the National Health and Education Sector. This process involves three stages: the first is constituted by the National Examination for applicants to medical residencies, which is uniform for all aspiring doctors and all medical specialties direct entry, the second covers the process of joining the Health Facility who deliver the courses, and culminates with the third entry in Higher Education Institutions that develop and endorse the plans and programs of study and who issue diplomas specialty.The development, production and implementation of the National Examination applicants to medical residencies in charge of the Committee on Graduate Education and Continuing Education (CEPEC) of the Interinstitutional Commission for the Training of Human Resources for Health (CIFRHS), created by Presidential on October 18, 1983 with the aim of strengthening coordination and collaboration between educational institutions and health, as for the training of professionals and specialists devoted to health care.

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