Central Administrative Region
With the support of the analyses of the ways, he made possible the elaboration of the Ambient Diagnosis of the city of Itabirito, region metropolitan of Disgnostic Belo Horizonte MG.O Ambient is the current characterization of a region, carried through through studies to multidiscipline that they aim at to tell the beneficial and maleficent aspects of different environments of the city. In set with the characterization an analysis is carried through technique of each boarded subject, that it makes possible to identify the causes of the ambient degradation. With the boarded information in the diagnosis beyond the analyses techniques, the work can serve as subsidy to the agencies of the government for future workmanships. GENERAL 2-DESCRIPTION OF the CITY DE regional ITABIRITO2.1Localizao of the estudoItabirito area places in the Southeastern region of Brazil in the state of Minas Gerais, pertaining to the microregion of Ouro Preto and the mesorregio metropolitan of Belo Horizonte. It is limited with the cities of Currency, Brumadinho, New Rasp, Upstream, Saint Brbara and Ouro Preto, as it shows FIG.
1. Figure 1 – Microregion de Ouro PretoFonte: Authors (2009) the headquarters of the city are situated 848m of altitude and have its position determined for the geographic coordinates of 20 31' 14' ' S of latitude and 43 41' 29' ' W of longitude (ITABIRITO, 2009). The city has an area of 549,22 km and is in the Central Administrative Region of the State, where also the cities of Belo Horizonte and others are enclosed 63 (ITABIRITO, 2009). The main way of access leaving of Belo Horizonte is the BR 040 (Belo Horizonte? Rio De Janeiro) and in the distance approached to the capital of the state is of 55 kilometers (ITABIRITO, 2009). FIG. 2 shows the access ways. Figure 2? Way of access Belo Horizonte – ItabiritoFonte: Google Maps (2009) AMBIENT 3-DIAGNOSIS OF the ITABIRITO3.1 CITY – Half fsico3.1.1- Climate the city of Itabirito presents tropical climate of altitude, typical of plateaus and mountain ranges southeastern Brazilian (ROSS, 2005).