American Constitution
The black had paper basic in the Brazilian economy since the minerador period, passing for the sugar bowl, but it was in the coffee period that its use if became indispensable. For being of certain ' not only forms a man power; ' barata' ' , but because the fusing of the slavery and the high profits of the coffee that had supported the Empire had been sudden combinations. How much to the affirmation of that the enslaved age ' ' barato' ' , it is a inverdade, therefore this analysis is very relative, had at the cost of one ' ' pea' ' (1 adult = 1 part; 2 great children = 1 part; 3 small children = 1 part) cost carssimo, having an approach in current values something around R$50.000.00 (fifty a thousand Reals). But the fact of the black slave not to represent considerable future expenses, being highly lucrative became it of favorable acquisition. The black slave in full forced activities lived 7 years on average, and the blacks of the Great House that played house works arrived to live something around 15 years. The enslaved one was an expensive luxury and that the desire of all in the independent society of its rank or function instigated. We will now make a more particular analysis on the question of the slavery in the corresponding period to the years of 1820 up to 1888 when they had been the libertos slaves.
Its necessity, performance and the constant English onslaught in its ' ' libertao' ' , that it are only done really for the masonry. Having the slavery as main source of income together with the coffee, the Brazilian government sketched constant concern with the maintenance of the escravista process. Test of this is of that in the Constitution of 1824 that it was well to say ' ' copiada' ' of the American Constitution (for containing great manico text in its content) it defended the right of the owners of slaves.