African Economy

To save means to spend little expenditure. We save when we spend little income in consumption or still when we obtain to get exactly resulted with the same resources. For example, the automobile when it walks to a lesser speed that 100Km/h consumes combustible little. In this direction, the company makes internal economies, when reducing its average costs of production imposing bigger efficiency in its activity or when it benefits itself of the external economies, that is the external factors of production to the company help to save less spending of its income, for example when it reduces the fuel cost in the external market, the energy cost low. The same it is applied when it reduces the cost of transport and raw materials or the products to the exit of the door of the plant. To make economy means to deprive itself to satisfy some necessities gifts saving for the future, life with economy means the rational and moderate job of the available economic goods. In the moambicana current version to make economy means the retention of costs in the public administration.

II) Moambicana economy, African Economy or Economy of the SADC In this in case that, we are to assign a national, regional or continental system economic. Here we are assigning a determined social system, related to the space and in the time, analyzed in the perspective of the production and satisfaction of the necessities human beings. Thus, the economic aspect is a particular case of the social one, the national, regional or continental scale. III) Economy – Scientific Knowledge. One is about an area of studies and scientific knowledge, substance that is studied by the studious economists or other competent ones (managers of companies, controllers of State, etc.). Econmica science if worries in managing with yield the productive activities, the goods and services and the public, particular or private patrimnio.

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